Here are the presentations for the 2019 Wind Energy Conference, held 1 May:
Welcome and Minister's speech
- The energy sector and renewables
by Hon Dr Megan Woods, Minister for Energy and Resources
Session 1 - A low carbon economy
- Our low carbon future - Are we going at the right speed and in the right direction?
by Simon Upton, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment - Paris Agreement progress update and international carbon pricing
by Kay Harrison, NZ Climate Change Ambassador
Session 2 - Innovation and case studies - what's possible with renewables - Part 1
- A word of possibility with wind and other renewables
by Terry Surles, University of Hawaii and California Institute for Energy and Development - New Zealand's energy transition and innovation
by Clayton Delmarter, Tilt Renewables - Next generation wind turbines and the future of New Zealand wind energy
by Peter Cowling, Vestas - Hydrogen's role in our energy future and what does it mean for wind
by Dr Linda Wright, NZ Hydrogen Association - The energy sector, climate change and renewables,
by Jonathan Young, National Energy & Resources Spokesperson
Section 3 - Innovation and Case Studies - Part 2
- Lessons for the wind industry from renewable development in Australia
by Ashley Grohn, Aurecon - Local and community energy
by Anna Berka, Victoria University of Wellington - GE's Cyprus 5MW turbine and the New Zealand market
by Chris Holsonback, GE - Innovations in energy use and impact on the New Zealand electricity system
by Andrew Caseley, EECA - What does climate change mean for wind and other renewable generation?
by David Frame, Victoria University of Wellington
Section 4 - Breaking New Ground
- Are we listening? An update on the Low-emissions Inquiry Report
by Murray Sherwin, NZ Productivity Commission - Electricity market structure with increasing renewable generation
by Guy Waipara, Meridian Energy - An investment view on the future of the electricity sector and the role of wind
by Nevill Gluyas, FNZC - What Transpower's doing to prepare for our energy future
by Stephen Jay, Transpower