
Consultation on the Zero Carbon Bill

The Climate change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill was introduced to Parliament in May 2019. The Amendment Bill builds on the consultation document released in 2018 (refer below).

The purpose of the Amendment Bill is to provide a framework by which New Zealand can develop and implement clear and stable climate change policies that contribute to the global effort under the Paris Agreement to limit the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

The Bill establishes an independent Climate Change Commission to provide expert advice and monitoring, sets emission reduction targets and budgets and establishes adaption measures.

The legislation is a significant step towards establishing a framework to develop and implement clear and stable climate change policies. In supporting the Amendment Bill the Association has a number of comments and suggestions aimed at improving clarity and enhancing the effectiveness of the legislation.

The key themes in NZWEA’s submission are:

  • Overall NZWEA strongly supports the Amendment Bill.
  • Bipartisanship is essential to ensure future governments are committed.
  • Timing is an imperative and we need to act faster.
  • Where emissions reduce matters and the Association favours prioritising domestic carbon dioxide emissions reductions and having budgets set at gross and net levels.
  • Ensuring clarity around the ETS and a clearly defined advice role for the Commission.
  • Ensuring an international perspective is considered when completing risk assessments and adaption plans.
  • Ensuring the flexibility of mandate and appropriate resources are provided to enable the highest value transition.

The Association’s submission can be viewed here: 

The Association also submitted on the June 2018 “Our Climate Your Say” Discussion Document on the Zero Carbon Bill issued by the Ministry for the Environment.

The Discussion Document was an important step in the journey to meet New Zealand Paris Agreement carbon reduction obligations and sought feedback on the Government’s proposals for a Zero Carbon Bill which includes targets, the stepping stones to meet them and the establishment of a Climate Change Commission.

The Association was supportive of the Zero Carbon Bill and our submission can be viewed here: