...an opportunity for transformation
There has been considerable commentary on the make-up of the Government’s COVID-19 economic recovery package to try and influence the nature of proposed infrastructure investment.
The Association wrote to the Minister of Energy and Resources in May 2020 to share NZWEA’s perspective on the opportunity to progress renewable electricity generation and decarbonisation of the energy sector as a key contributor to the Government’s recovery plan.
As the Government puts in place measures to stimulate economic recovery the Association, like many organisations, recognises the need to move quickly whilst also ensuring that investment enhances sustainability for future generations.
Given expected climate change impacts and the need to decarbonise the Association reiterated a view of many that future infrastructure spend should be looked at through a climate change lens. In particular the opportunity to bring forward transformational climate change investments that needs to happen anyway, as proposed by the Climate Change Commission, should be a guiding principle.
Put simply New Zealand should not miss the opportunity for transformational change as, once investment decisions are made, a worsening Government fiscal position will limit future optionality.
The Association’s letter to Minister Woods can be read below: