
New Zealand Wind Energy Association 2018 AGM

The Association's AGM was held on Wednesday 31th October 2018 in Wellington.

At the AGM the Association's financial statements were approved and presentations were given by Jared Wallace (Acting Chair) and Grenville Gaskell (Chief Executive). Scroll down to view the presentation by the Chair and Chief Executive.

This year Nevill Gluyas, Director of Equity Research for FNZC was our guest speaker.

Nevill presented a summary of Credit Suisse's most interesting Report on the industry "NZ Electricity Generators Decarbonisation beckons - but at what price?".

His presentation covered industry growth, EV penetration, industrial heat conversion to electricity, the future of thermal generation, wind costs and comments on the Electricity Price review. Scroll down to view Nevill's presentation.

We hope you enjoy the presentations and thanks to members who attended.