The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment in December 2016 sought submissions on the draft New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (NZEECS) 2017 - 2022. The Strategy was being updated to ensure the Government’s obligations under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act are met.
The strategy acknowledges the level of technology transformation underway, the need to improve energy efficiency and productivity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Three priority areas have been identified which are:
To decrease the quantity of fossil fuels used to produce process heat in the industrial sector
Reducing transport emissions by improving vehicle efficiency and encouraging use of electric cars
Improving electricity efficiency and use and meeting the target of 90% electricity generation by 2025
With a title “Unlocking our Energy Productivity and Renewable Potential” and having as its goal “Support New Zealand to be an energy efficient, productive and low emissions economy” it’s easy to see why the draft Strategy is exciting and supported by the Association.
NZWEA considers the strategy a significant improvement on the previous strategy as it more clearly promotes the use of renewable sources of energy which is one of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority core functions.
Overall as the draft Strategy confirms the commitment to increasing the level of renewable electricity generation to 90% and takes advantage of renewable generation to lower emissions across the wider energy sector so it’s definitely heading in the right direction for the NZ wind industry.
The Association’s submission can be viewed at the link below.
The Association also submitted on an earlier NZEECS targeted consultation in July 2016.