The New Zealand Wind Energy Association (NZWEA) appreciates the opportunity to provide a submission on the Renewable Energy Zones National Consultation.
The Association supports the focus on progressing industry discussion on the future of the energy sector and considering opportunities that better enable the development of renewable generation. NZWEA also recognise the following in greater details within our submission:
- The importance of Whakamana i Te Mauri Hiko - Empowering our Energy Future, the Net Zero Grid Pathways Programme.
- Internationally transmission is recognised as a key enabler of generation development.
- Association support of the concept of renewable energy zones and the potential opportunity to benefit New Zealand by achieving economies of scale from investment in transmission and distribution networks.
- The specific challenges in developing REZ’s including the timing of major investment among generators and the difficulty to align them.
- And a key area of needed support that, as Transpower has identified, they must be customer driven.
For full details of the NZWEA submission please click on the downloadable document below.