


NZWEA is pleased to welcome you to our new Member’s Portal.

The Portal has been introduced to provide you with the online capability to better manage your relationship with the Association. The Portal contains NZWEA member specific information and is also used to identify individuals and organisations that the Association connects with.

The portal is also your gateway to register for NZWEA events such as our annual Wind Energy Conference.

Useful tips on how to make the best use of the portal will be provided at a later time.

Accessing the Portal

We have updated the portal with all the information we have on members. For most your email address is already in the Portal. Please follow the below steps to access the Portal:


Go to

You will see a NZWEA screen with the option to log in or create an account.

If you’ve had recent contact with the Association or receive our communications we should have you email address recorded in the Portal.


Enter your email address and select ‘I’ve lost my password’

You will receive an email to reset your password.

Note: If you are new to NZWEA and don’t have an account please select Create one.


Click on the email ONCE

Please note the reset is only valid for 48 hours.

If you receive a message Change your password - the password link is invalid or expired please request a new one by clicking the ‘here’ link.

If you have not received the email please look in your junk mail folder.

If the email is in your junk folder, please add it to your safelist and move it to your inbox. Once there, you can proceed with clicking the link.


Set up your new password

This will take you to your dashboard


Click on your name (on the right-hand side of the screen)

You can then check your profile by clicking on "View Profile"


If your email address is not recognised select ‘Don’t have an account’

You will receive an email to set up create an account and set up a new profile.


If you have any issues or questions please contact