
2015 Conference workshop:  Moving towards 100% renewable electricity generation

Morning, 2nd April, 2015, Rydges Hotel, Wellington

Climate change science tells us that countries need to increase renewable electricity generation significantly.  Decreasing costs of renewable electricity combined with smart grid technology are making the goal of a 100% renewable electricity generation a reality.   At 75% renewable and with a target of 90% New Zealand is in a much better position than most to reach 100% renewable electricity generation than many others.

Even at 90% generation there will be times when New Zealand will have 100% renewable generation. 

This workshop explored issues and benefits in reaching 100% renewable electricity generation in NZ.  A series of presenters  give their views on different aspects of the issue, covering issues such as grid development, electricity price, policies, the advantages to New Zealand etc.  This workshop drew on the presentations on the previous day, such as developments in wind generation (and therefore future price paths), grid integration and storage, electrifying parts of the economy such as transport.

The programme is as follows and the presentations are at bottom of this page:

8.00  Coffee

8.30  Introduction - Eric Pyle

8.40-9.20  Setting the scene

  • 100% generation:  Feasible but how costly?  Simon Coates, Concept Consulting
  • What are the grid issues?  Andrew Gard, Transpower.

9.20-10.20 Smart grid, solar and forecasting

  • Smart grid in NZ.  John Hancock, Chair, Smart Grid Forum
  • Technologies for making the grid smarter, Marcel Brzank, Siemens
  • The solar dimension.  Allan Miller, Electrical Power Engineering Centre, Canterbury University.
  • Forecasting for 100% renewables. Brian Peters, MetService.

10.30-10.50  Morning Tea

10.50-11.20 Policy and technology

  • How do factors such as distribution network charging influence the evolution of the electricity system?  John Rampton, Electricity Authority.
  • The changing shape of grid security and the importance's of fast reserve.  Ashley Wall, Enernoc

11.20 - 12.20  Commentary and discussion

Bill Heaps (Strata Consulting), John Hancock, Paul Young (Generation Zero) and Gavin Evans will provide views on what they have heard and provocations for the audience.

12.20-12.30 Wrap up and close

12.30 Lunch