
The NZ Wind Energy Association is one of 22 stakeholder low carbon organisations behind the "Yes We Can! initiative held on 31st May 2016 in Wellington.


Each of the organisations presented at the symposium have developed strategies and plans for addressing climate change offers. This was an opportunity for sharing these with attendees. Government has a Business Growth Agenda and some policies that support achievement of emissions reduction/climate change targets. Most significantly though is that Government has announced its greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Government has also signaled that it is developing targets for heat, transport fuel and energy intensity. Researchers also have a range of research programmes that contribute to addressing the barriers. The symposium was aimed at bringing these initiatives together and developing a Plan of Action which can be agreed by business and central and territorial Government. It also provided guidance to business on the viability of low carbon investment opportunities.

Symposium support material

The information gathered from the symposium and summaries provided by each stakeholder organisation are now being collated into a Plan of Action to be submitted to Government.  

Wind Energy Overview, presented by NZWEA at the symposium

Details on the symposium, speaker profiles and presentations can be found on the Yes We Can symposium webpage