
Media Releases & Articles

Below are recent media releases and thought pieces from NZWEA and media articles about NZWEA and wind power in New Zealand.

Kevin Hart appointed as Chief Executive of NZWEA

The NZWEA Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Kevin Hart as Chief Executive of the New Zealand Wind Energy Association from 17 April 2023.

NZWEA Chair Blair Walter confirmed that the board is delighted with Kevin’s appointment. “Kevin has extensive experience in the energy sector and as a former NZWEA board member knows the wind industry and the Association extremely well. We are confident Kevin will continue to champion the key contribution wind energy makes in enabling the decarbonisation of the energy sector in support of the Government’s climate change targets and international obligations.”

Wind energy growth accelerating

On 28 August 2019 Tilt Renewables advised its board had approved the investment in the 133 MW Waipipi (formerly Waverley Wind Farm).

The Association issued a media statement in support of the development which represents another important milestone in the growth of wind energy following the announcement of Mercury’s Turitea Wind farm in March.

Waipipi and Turitea represent an investment of over $500 million with an annual output of 925 GWh’s enough electricity to power, on average over 400,000 electric vehicles.

Accelerated electrification report

On 16 July 2019 the Government released the Interim Climate Change Committee’s Report “Accelerated Electrification".

The Report recommended a focus on reducing emission in transport and industrial heat rather than target 100% renewable electricity generation.

The Association issued a media statement in support of the Report and noted the ICCC confirmed that its modelling suggests that wind energy will be the dominant form of new renewable generation out to 2035.

Strong support for renewables

In September 2018 the Productivity Commission released its Low-emissions Economy Report.

The Report is a comprehensive assessment as to how New Zealand could transition to a low-emissions economy while continuing to grow incomes and wellbeing.

The Commission conclude the transition will be a long and uncertain journey that involves significant change that should be progressed without delay.

Leveraging New Zealand’s largely renewable electricity system is one of the key recommendations and the Report notes “all the identified pathways to a very low-emissions electricity system involve a large expansion of wind generation in the lower North Island”.

The Association is very supportive of the Commission’s recommendations and issued the media release below:

The Commission’s Report can be accessed here

Climate change and the paradox of wind energy

In September 2017 NZWEA provided a thought piece for 'Pure Advantage's Thought Leader' series of articles.

The thought piece notes the important role renewable energy plays in reducing man-made climate change. The article covers the paradox that we need more renewables like wind energy yet often challenge proposed developments based on landscape and amenity impacts and suggests we change our perspective. In particular that we focus on the improvements in our quality of life that comes from renewable electricity while generating zero emissions.

The Most Difficult Selfie You'll Ever Take?

A wind turbine blade the length of four buses parked nose to tail will be carefully backed into the bus parks in front of Te Papa early in the morning of Monday 14 April. Over the next two days, passers-by will be able to get a close look at this enormous piece of technology before it continues the journey to help power Wellington homes.

NZ Must Tackle Rising Emissions from Electricity Sector

According to the latest figures from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment , New Zealand ranks sixth worst for emissions increases since 1990 among countries who have signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

NZ’s biggest percentage increase in emissions came from electricity generation, which are up 88.3 per cent since 1990.

NZ Herald Article: Politics Take Puff out of Wind Farm Building

25 November 2013: NZWEA's CEO, Eric Pyle, and Meridian Energy's CFO, Paul Chambers, were interviewed by the NZ Herald about the state of the wind energy industry in New Zealand. The resulting article is here.

Electricity Sector Could Act to Reduce Carbon Pollution

27 September 2013: The recent Fifth Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a sobering analysis of where the world is heading if we continue to burn fossil fuels and pollute the atmosphere with carbon dioxide.

IPCCMediaRelease.pdf IPCCMediaRelease.pdf
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