
Conference Programme

Papers from the conference speakers have now been uploaded and can be accessed by clinking on the links below..

Monday 14th April

Delegates could chose to tour the Mill Creek Wind Farm Project in the afternoon and then attend the conference’s exhibition opening.

Tuesday 15th April

At 8.50am the conference was underway with our first plenary session, featuring the following keynote addresses:

Following the plenary, the conference split into three streams: "Investment and Strategy", "Operations & Maintenance and Health and Safety", and "Wind & Wildlife".

Investment & Strategy Stream

First up in this stream is a panel titled "Strategy and investment in wind energy and the electricity sector" This panel featured Mike Eckhart, Kobad Bhavnagri, Jenny Riesz, Chris Insley, Paul Ravlich (Siemens), Doug Goodwin (Transpower), Nick Lewis (Woodward Partners) and Ben Gerritson (Castalia).

After lunch was a session entitled "The Market and Wind". This featured:

The final session was "Drivers and Opportunities: Influencing the Growth of Wind" with:

Health & Safety and Operations & Maintenance Stream

The first session after the plenary concentrated on "Operations and Maintenance" and featured:

The afternoon was taken over by two "Health and Safety" sessions, with:

Wind & Wildlife Stream

The Wind and Wildlife stream ran for the rest of the day and featured:

Political Platform

The sessions were followed by a political panel entitled The Future of the Electricity Sector, Renewables and Wind Energy in New Zealand. Speaking at this session were:

  • Minister of Energy - Hon Simon Bridges
  • Labour Spokesperson on Energy - David Shearer
  • Green Spokesperson on Energy - Gareth Hughes

The day finished up with the ever popular conference dinner – a great way to network and further discuss what was heard during the day.

Wednesday 16th April

Wednesday began with a plenary session on the factors (from investment to health and safety) that will ensure a safe future for wind and featured:

After the plenary, the conference split into three streams: "Experience in Other Countries", "Technology Development" and "Engaging Communities and Officials".

Experience in Other Countries Stream

Technology Development Stream

Engaging Communities and Officials Stream

After lunch, the sessions continued in three streams: "Medium Scale Development", "Grids and Distribution" and "The Fuel, Forecasting and Extremes":

Medium Scale Development Stream

Grids and Distribution Stream

The Fuel, Forecasting and Extremes Stream

The day ended with project updates from Meridian Energy, Trustpower and others, followed by the post-conference reception.

You can download a copy of the full programme.