NZWEA submitted in response to the August 2017 Issues Paper. In its submission NZWEA:
Recognised the importance of the Commission’s Inquiries given the current absence of a defined transition pathway.
Expressed a preference for New Zealand to address its emissions footprint domestically as ultimately a net zero position needs to be achieved under the Paris Agreement and any investment should be focused on achieving this outcome for the benefit of all New Zealanders.
Noted as the price of carbon increases, future competitive advantage can be obtained by utilising New Zealand’s natural renewable energy advantages.
Supported the electrification of high carbon emitting activities as outlined in the Issues paper and the NZ Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy.
Considered that there was a need for a higher level of regulatory alignment to ensure the electricity industry provides an affordable, stable and environmentally sustainable energy system for all.In particular, ensuring the alignment of the objectives of Government Departments and Crown Entities to address climate change and support the use of renewable sources of energy and enhancing the effectiveness of The National Policy Statement for Renewable Electricity Generation.
Highlighted the importance of removing the consumer cross subsidisation created by electricity distribution businesses (EDB) charges not being cost reflective to support sector innovation and wind energy.
Supported the call by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s for a long-term approach to climate change including a new Climate Change Act and to put emissions targets into law.
The Association’s submission can be viewed here: