
Blueskin Bay wind farm consent decision

Blueskin Energy's resource consent for a proposed 2.4MW windfarm to the North of Dunedin has been declined.

Commissioner Colin Weatherall in his July 2016 decision declined the application on the basis adverse amenity effects on two properties located near the proposed wind farm site.

NZWEA submitted in support of the wind farm noting it has considerable merit.

The wind farm was expected to produce around 7.2GWh of renewable energy which was greater than local community needs and assisted in meeting the Governments strategic target of 90% of electricity generated from renewable energy sources by 2025. The wind farm would also contribute to reducing carbon emissions and could avoid over 7,000 tonnes of C02 per year if this electricity were to be generated from a coal-fired plant or 3,600 tonnes in avoided gas fire generation.

The project, in addition to having zero emissions, was innovative in design being community owned.  Wind farm profits would be directed to the Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust which provides a range of community support activities including energy advice, supporting the Cosy Homes Charitable Trust and access to affordable insulation.

NZWEA is disappointed with the decision and notes that the decision to decline the application was not based on any landscape, noise or ecological effects.  NZWEA also notes that it was the location of one turbine out of a total of three that gave rise to the Commissioner’s view that there was a significant amenity impact.  

The Commissioner confirmed that Blueskin Energy has the right of appeal.