
New Zealand Wind Energy Association 2021 AGM

The Association's AGM was held on Wednesday 27th October 2021 via Microsoft Teams.

At the AGM the Association's financial statements were approved and presentations were given by Blair Walter (Chair) and Grenville Gaskell (Chief Executive). The presentations covered NZWEA’s strategy, an update on international trends, recent Association activities and future priorities.

Decarbonisation of the energy sector beckons, and it is clear that the wind industry is at the forefront of an exciting future contributing towards New Zealand meeting its climate change goals. 

This year Andrew Beatson, Partner Bell Gully, was our guest speaker. Andy provided an overview of the resource management system reform underway including the recent Government consultation on the exposure draft of the Natural and Built Environments Bill and its implications for the development of renewable electricity.

As members will be aware the Resource Management Act has made consenting renewable generation development challenging and costly. The reform presents opportunities and significant risks which Andy has outlined.  Given the recent increased interest in offshore wind development he also provided thoughts on the ability to consent offshore wind under the RMA and relevant marine environment legislation.

Thanks to members who were able to attend and for those who could not presentations are available here: