
Wind Energy Conference 2020

Latest update

The NZWEA board met on 20 March and it will come as no surprise that the 2020 Wind Energy Conference planned for the 12 May has been postponed.

The annual conference is the Association’s flagship event and every effort is made to provide a high-quality event that delivers for sponsors, speakers and delegates. At this time there is too much uncertainty as to whether a wind energy conference can be successfully held in Q4 2020 or Q1 or Q2 2021 but we will keep you advised.

The board has confirmed that the programme developed for May 2020 is one that is worth preserving and we hope that, when it is safe for us to do so, we can offer a conference that enhances wind energy’s ability to support decarbonising the NZ energy sector.

Postponed May 2020 Conference Programme Details (for information)

The electricity sector is experiencing real change with the transition to a low-emissions economy driving future demand growth and innovation transforming business models.

The call for the accelerated electrification of the energy sector is strong with wind energy having an essential role in enabling decarbonisation.

In recognition of the current and future investment needed in new wind development the theme for the 2020 Conference is Rising to the Challenge. We’re off to a great start with over 355MW of new wind committed in 2019 and more planned for 2020 but this is the start if New Zealand is to achieve net zero by 2050.

The programme builds on the 2019 Conference where the theme was Breaking new Ground. Key areas for discussion include unpicking the decarbonisation opportunity, progress updates on NZ developments, showcasing innovation and addressing the scale of new wind development required and developing a roadmap to make it happen.

The Conference day will again comprise four sessions with presentations grouped in each session:

  • Session 1 - Decarbonising the energy sector
  • Session 2 - Building new wind
  • Session 3 - New opportunities
  • Session 4 – Rising to the challenge, a future roadmap

Keynote addresses were to be provided by the Hon Dr Megan Woods, Minister of Energy and Resources and Dr Rod Carr, Chair of the Climate Change Commission with an excellent speaker line-up.

The Conference Programme can be viewed by clicking the link below: